Saturday, September 29, 2018

# 8 Self Report - Summary and Suggestion

9:56 AM 0 Comments


6.1.       Purposes of practicum
The purpose of practicum is to prepare myself as a student-teacher that will be a real teacher in the future. This program really helped us to improve our teaching skill, compare the education system between countries, and also improve our English skill.  

6.2.       Procedures of practicum
`            Before joining this program, I was selected by university's selection. In Philippine, after we arrived we had an orientation about our schedule there. In general our program was divided into four parts which are:

  • 1st week  (Orientation and Classroom Observation):
          In the first week we were introduced to the University, school's environment, system, all the faculty and staff members and of course the students. Then all participants were divided to their own grade to teach and cooperating teacher based on the majority of each participant. I got to teach all the 10 graders in Physics and had Mr. Engr. Marius Engelbert Geoffrey C. Castillo as my cooperating teacher.  I also had a partner named Rara who had Mr. Marius as her cooperating teacher too, she was in charge of the nine graders. She was always with me in all of the activities in our teaching practicum and we helped each other. In the remaining days in the first week, I observed all the physics class Mr. Marius had, and I were able to observed Rara's classes too. After each observation, we had mentoring section with Mr. Marius when he gave us many tips about teaching Physics.
  • 2nd week ( Teaching Assistantship and Immersion):
             In the second week we had teaching assistantship and immersion. We began to interact with the students directly. In assistantship, we were in charge in various tasks to support our cooperating teacher's lesson. Because we were having the role of teacher assistant, so our tasks were to assist our cooperating teacher and had our own little section (like opened the class, gave motivation or some simple introduction to the materials in the engagement part). The assistanship week were so helpful to make us get used to the class, know the students, reduce our nervousness and give chance to students to know more about us before they get to be taught by us. Like usual, after entered the class, we would have mentoring session. The mentoring in second week had become different, because we had interacted with the students, so his question would be like, "What do you you think about the two class? Were they different?" and his advice also changed into the characteristics of each class, what would be better for 10 Achievers and what would be better for 10 Innovators, because teacher also had to be able to adjust with the class. But there were also some of us that already taught in this week, according to our each schedule, because only the ones who had class on Thursday and Friday that can teach in the second week.
  • 3rd week
            In the third week we had our own classroom teaching. So we got to teach the entire lesson. We had to  prepare everything by our own, of course with our cooperating teacher's help. Actually we had to prepare the lesson from the second week, because we only got to consult at school, especially for us who had class on monday morning. Like the previous weeks, we also had the mentoring section with our cooperating teacher, and of course the advice also had become different again. In this week, we had more detailed practical advice like how to write on the white board so the students still could see it, how to give clear instructions,  how to manage the index card, how to ask them question, and how to respond to their answer. We also had our initial visit from Ma'am Lalaine in the third week and got to be evaluated by both Ma'am Lalaine and Sir Marius.
  • 4th week
                 In the fourth week, we were still teaching and focused more to the final visit (our final evaluation). We also had to complete our documents and all the datas that were needed for our report. In this last week also, we had our farewell with our new family, the USHS and CLSU family.

6.3.       Outcomes of practicum
From this practicum, I learned so much about how to be a good teacher, to plan a lesson, to understand the students, to get students' attention, and to explain a material in a proper way. I also learned to adjust my teaching style to the new environment with different education system and curriculum. Furthermore I get the chance to improve my English skill with the best environment because English is the second Language in Philippine.
Not only that, I also could learn about their culture, habits and their way to socialize with each other. All the Philippine's people that I met were so warm, friendly and humble. Thy're also very talkative and tried their best to make us comfortable there. 
I feel really grateful for this program that has given me a lot of knowledges, experiences, friends, teachers and of course my sweet students.

6.4.       The challenges of practicum
Beside the difficulties I've explained in the Problem Solving part, my other challenges of this practicum were about dialect. Although I talked in English, and they talked in english, sometimes we couldn't really understand each other, because we had different terms or pronunciation of saying something. That's why sometimes they couldn't understand the instruction that I had given to them, or I couldn't really understand their answer when I asked them some questions. To minimize the misunderstanding in my class, I repeated what I say or ask again what their answer was to them. The  other things that shock me was the culture, because sometimes the male students would want to hug me, because it's normal for them, but prohibited for me. I felt sorry when seeing their disappointed face when I rejected them, because I knew that it was just their way to express their love to their teacher, but I rejected them. For the cases like that, we apologized and explained why we couldn't do something like them.  And the last thing was the food. It's pretty hard to find the food that we Muslims could eat, but after a while we were able to learn how to find the food that are edible for us. We were very lucky to have Ate and Kuya in RSTC Hostels who permit us to use their kitchen.

6.5.     Overall Impression

I feel really grateful for this program that has given me such precious and beautiful memories. Also for all of the Host University's members that has given a very warm welcome for us. In this program, we learned so much things, not only about teaching and education, but also about cultures, religions and to be more open minded about other people. In this program we lived in the same buildings with the other students from China, Thailand and Vietnam who joined different program. I also feel really blessed to be able to teach such smart, hard-working, well behaved and sweet students. This program has given me a new family.

6.6.   Suggestions for future improvement
For this program, I think it would be better to have more time, maybe for about one and a half or two months period of time. It's also important adjust the time with the academic calender to avoid  overlpas' schedule. Also it would be better to give clearer information and explanation about our report, because it contains a lot of things so we got some difficulties to differ the contents for each sub unit.

Sunday, September 23, 2018

# 7 Self Report - Teaching Practice

8:53 PM 0 Comments


1.1.       Procedures of Teaching

         Before entering the class, it's a must for us to make the lesson plan for each meeting. Therefore, to make sure we would do a proper teaching, we always had mentoring sections with our cooperating teacher. After we had made our lesson, he will check and give correction to it. He would also ask about some cases that could be appear in the class, for example if a student ask us about some unpredictable questions relating to our topic, or if the students getting noisy, what action that we should take to overcome those cases. We also had a demonstration teaching before entering the class, which we pretend to teach, and the students were my cooperating teacher and my partner.

Here is one of my lesson plan:

School                      :    University Science High School (USHS)
Subjects                    :    Physics
Class/Semester         :    Grade 10/1
Subject Matter         :    Equilibrium
Sub Material             :    Force Systems, Particle and Rigid and Translational Equilibrium
Time Allocation       :    60 Minutes (1 Meeting)

A.    Learning Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
1.        Differentiate concurrent and nonconcurrent system
2.        Analyze the forces that work on the translational equilibrium system.
3.        Give real life application from the concepts of equilibrium.

B.     Learning Concepts
1.      Key concepts:
·         Concurrent forces act on a particle and noncurrent forces act on rigid body
·         A particle is considered as a point mass but, an object also can be considered as a particle and a rigid body is an extended body in a space that doesn’t change its size and shape.
·         Translational equilibrium can be described as a condition when there is no net force acting on an object.

2.      Learning Materials:
·         Power point on the topic Equilibrium
·         Pictures of equilibrium systems

3.      References:
·         Silverio, Angelina A. & Gloria Decastro Behnas. (2013). Physics: Exploring Life Through Science. Manila: Phoenix Publishing House.
·         Buech, Frederick J. (1989). Fisika: Edisi Kedelapan. Jakarta: Erlangga.
·         Surya, Yohannes. (2009). Mekanika dan Fluida. Tangerang: PT. Kandel.

4.      Processing skills:
·         Describing, comparing, differentiating.

C.    Media and Learning Resources
1.      LCD Projector.
2.      Power Point Presentation.

D.    Learning Procedures
a)      Daily Routine
1.      Prayer
2.      Checking of Attendance
3.      Checking of Room’s Cleanliness

b)     Engage: Games/ activity
1.      Stand on the paper game
2.      Ask two teams of girls and boys consists of 6 people for each team.
3.      Give each team a sheet of paper
4.      Ask the students to find a way to make all six of them to be able to stand on that paper in any kind of way.
4.      Recall
a.    Please give the definition of equilibrium condition? And what are the requirements that is needed to make an equilibrium condition?
b.   Could you explain to me about the definition of lever?
c.    Based on your previous lesson, could someone draw the first/second/third class of lever?

c)      Explore:
1.      Pre-Activity Discussion:
·         Ask the students about what comes to their mind about concurrent and non concurrent force.
·         Show some concurrent pictures and ask their opinion about them, which are the example of concurrent system and non concurrent system, ask for another argument.

d)     Explain:
1.       Explain to students about the differences between concurrent and nonconcurrent forces.
2.       Explain about the differences between particle and rigid body, and the forces that act on them.
3.       Explain to student about translational equilibrium, and the requirements that are needed to make a translational equilibrium system.

e)      Elaborate:
1.      Discuss again the pictures with the students.
2.      Demonstrating the application of translational equilibrium in daily life.
-          Show them a book on the table that doesn’t move
-          Ask them about the forces that work on the book
-          Collect their opinion
-          Ask them about how if the book is moving with a constant velocity
-          Collect their opinion

f)       Evaluate: (On power point) short answer
1.      Forces that act at different position are called ……..
2.      Concurrent forces usually work on ………
3.      Condition where there is no change in the state of motion of a body is called …….
4.      A single force (F) can be resolved in to its …….. component and …… component
5.      The law that is need to be completed to get a translational equilibrium system is ……….

7.2.       Time Management and Organizing Activities

         One of teacher biggest challenge is to manage the time. It’s important to organize the time needed for each activities and following them. In my teaching, I always make sure to follow my lesson plan, although sometimes I couldn’t avoid the condition when I missed my plan. If the condition appear, then I had to compress the time for other activities for that meeting.
            In my first teaching, fortunately I could make it in time although it's almost pass the time. In the engage part we had a game of two groups between boys and girls, and they had to find the strategies to make all the six of them to be able to stand on a piece of paper, because my materials was about Equilibrium. In 10 Achievers (first class) both of the team could do it fast but the boys were faster, so I gave the bonus point to them. In 10 Innovators (second class), they need a little bit longer time to success and the winner were the girls. In the explaination part, I used both power point and the whiteboard to give examples and draw the forces of the system. 
          In my teaching evaluation section, my cooperating teacher said that my transition of the sub materials were still a little bit stiff, so I had to make the flow become more natural. He also told me to add the energy in the class, because the physics itself is already hard, so it's easy for the students to get bored and tired in the lesson. That's why it's important to give experiment, demonstration, videos, pictures or ice breaking games in physics lesson, to make it more interesting and help us to explain the concepts better, because Physics really need strong base concept knowledges to solve the problems. He also remained me to give clear instructions, put emphasis in every important informations and repeat the students answer after they've answered my question.
               In my last teaching, I just had 35 minutes for my lesson because there was an even on that day, and it must be including all the parts. So we couldn't have the evaluation part, and I  was just able to explained two of three of cases in equilibrium. But in my last evaluation section, my cooperating teacher said that i've improved, my explanation have become better, my voice was clearer and i've looked more relaxed than my previous teachings. 

Here are some of my power points:

 7.3.      Problem Solving

My biggest problem in teachings were the time management, because I wasn't used to have 30 minutes for one meeting hour (we have 40 minutes for each hour in Indonesia). Then I also had difficulties about the differences of materials grouping in the book and the materials' distribution for each grade. I got confused about the limitation and level of the materials that can be explained to the 10 graders in Philippines. So in order to overcome my problems, I consulted and asked many things to my cooperating teacher about all of my preparation, like the lesson plan, power points, equipments,  medias, the way of speaking and all components that were needed in my lesson. For the time management in class, to avoid an overtime lesson, I reduce my questions and asked for their questions instead, always checking the time, and be strict to the time. For the explanation part, sometimes they couldn't catch my explanation (It can be seen in the elaboration and evaluation parts) so I would repeat my explanation in a simpler sentence, drawing it on the whiteboard, demonstrated the cases with simple things on my table or even moved  myself.   

7.4.       Classroom management
When I was teaching, I implanted some of my cooperating teacher class management,  and add my own teaching style. Some that I used were his rule of "Respect the speaker", teaching methods of 5E, and index card. When the students got a little bit noisy I used the "Respect the speaker" rule, or just simply said "Halloo?", I was really grateful that my students were so well-behaved in class. In recall part, I ask them some questions from my previous meeting, and before move to the other sub materials I also gave them questions about some daily cases that we met everyday that still related to the materials to connect the sub materials. I also always asked whether they had a question or not after explaining one sub materials, . In evaluation part, I usually displayed the problems in my power points, and asked them to answer it in a piece of paper. Sometime I also joked a little to make them more relaxed and get their attention more.

Saturday, September 22, 2018

# 6 Self Report - Observation on Teacher

2:43 PM 0 Comments


            In the first week we had a chance to observe our cooperating teacher in his class. We had to observe everything that can be usefull for us, like the class management, the order of materials, the steps to deliver the materials, etc.

6.1.       Planning for teaching 
 Before entering the class, teachers arranged teaching guide in line with the curriculum. Therefore they also had to make the sylabus for each subject in each grade. This is an example of  from my mentor. 

The teachers' lesson were held following this sylabus. It's important to organize the sylabus first beforehand so teachers' can predict the allocation of time needed for each material. They also made the lesson plan according to to the sylabus to make sure the students would have an organized and tidy order of lesson.

6.2.       Preparing lessons and materials
In one meeting, there could be more than one sub materials, so usually there would be two until four objectives. For one material, teacher usually divided it into foundation theories, concepts, examples of application in daily life, and mathematical problem solving. So the prepared materials also would be different according to the parts. In concept and examples part, usually we need more media and equipment, because it would be easier for them to understand the topic when they can see the real event, proccess or demonstration, or object. Teacher use media learning like power point, and prepared materials for games and riddles which contained the objectives.

6.3.       Teaching in class 
     Based on the observation, my cooperating teacher mainly use 5E Model of Instruction which is mainly divided into five steps, Engage, Explore, Explain, Extend, Evaluate. But before the lesson start, we have to do the daily routinities like: prayer, checking the class attendance, and checking the rooms cleanness. 
As for the main activities, according to the 5E Model of Instruction, the teacher  usually starts by attracting students’ interest by giving them a game  that is still connected to the topic of that day, or some pictures and videos. Then followed by giving them simple questions or asking for their opinion about activities or cases in the daily life. Then there is also recall of the last meeting’s materials, that can be in a questions, or explanation. The teacher also has to be able to manage the class condition, because there many types of characteristics and behaviour, there are some very active students, but there are also some passive students. So, in order to raise the students’ motivation in the class, the teacher uses index cards, which is a card that contains students’ bonus points for their activeness in the class, for answering questions, lead the prayer, etc. For the explanation part, teacher mainly uses power point for the theories and examples in daily life. If the lesson need to draw something (like vectors and components of forces), sometimes he would combine both the projector and white board. Because the projector screen were placed in front of the white board, he would pull up the screen so the picture from projector would be displayed directly on whiteboard, students can draw the component of forces or vector arrows, according to the material.  In the elaboration part, teacher guides students to get their own generalization and conclusion of the topic, its mainly like a review about the problem that is given in the exploration part and making connections to the explanation part. This part also can be riddles or quizzes and of course the winner can get more bonus points for their index card. These processes lead the lesson into the final part that is the evaluation part. In this part, teacher gives assignments, which is can be in groups, pairs, or individuals tasks and the scores would be recorded. 

6.4.       Measurement and Evaluation 
After getting the students' scores, we record all of  them in the class record book. 

The way of scores' calculation and measurement can be different between subjects, but for Phyiscs, we used the Science's specific percentage weights which are:
    • Written work                 = 40 %
    • Performance task           = 40 %
    • Quarterly assessment     = 20 %
The scores for each weights would be rounded up and then summed. Then the total score would be transmuted to the table below:

So, for example, if the total score is 84.76, then the final of that student would be 90. If the total score of the student is 73.27, then the student's final score would be 83.

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