Procedures of Teaching
Before entering the class, it's a must for us to make the lesson plan for each meeting. Therefore, to make sure we would do a proper teaching, we always had mentoring sections with our cooperating teacher. After we had made our lesson, he will check and give correction to it. He would also ask about some cases that could be appear in the class, for example if a student ask us about some unpredictable questions relating to our topic, or if the students getting noisy, what action that we should take to overcome those cases. We also had a demonstration teaching before entering the class, which we pretend to teach, and the students were my cooperating teacher and my partner.
Here is one of my lesson plan:
Before entering the class, it's a must for us to make the lesson plan for each meeting. Therefore, to make sure we would do a proper teaching, we always had mentoring sections with our cooperating teacher. After we had made our lesson, he will check and give correction to it. He would also ask about some cases that could be appear in the class, for example if a student ask us about some unpredictable questions relating to our topic, or if the students getting noisy, what action that we should take to overcome those cases. We also had a demonstration teaching before entering the class, which we pretend to teach, and the students were my cooperating teacher and my partner.
Here is one of my lesson plan:
School : University Science High School (USHS)
Subjects : Physics
Class/Semester : Grade
Subject Matter : Equilibrium
Sub Material : Force
Systems, Particle and Rigid and Translational Equilibrium

At the end of the lesson, the
students should be able to:
Differentiate concurrent and
nonconcurrent system
Analyze the forces that work on the
translational equilibrium system.
Give real life application from the
concepts of equilibrium.
Key concepts:
Concurrent forces act on a particle
and noncurrent forces act on rigid body
A particle is considered as a point
mass but, an object also can be considered as a particle and a rigid body is
an extended body in a space that doesn’t change its size and shape.
Translational equilibrium can be
described as a condition when there is no net force acting on an object.
Learning Materials:
Power point on the topic
Pictures of equilibrium systems
Silverio, Angelina A. & Gloria
Decastro Behnas. (2013). Physics: Exploring
Life Through Science. Manila: Phoenix Publishing House.
Buech, Frederick J. (1989). Fisika: Edisi Kedelapan. Jakarta:
Surya, Yohannes. (2009). Mekanika dan Fluida. Tangerang: PT.
Processing skills:
Describing, comparing, differentiating.
C. Media and Learning
LCD Projector.
Power Point Presentation.
D. Learning Procedures
a) Daily Routine
Checking of Attendance
Checking of Room’s Cleanliness
b) Engage: Games/ activity
Stand on the paper game
Ask two teams of girls and boys
consists of 6 people for each team.
Give each team a sheet of paper
Ask the students to find a way to
make all six of them to be able to stand on that paper in any kind of way.
Please give the definition of
equilibrium condition? And what are the requirements that is needed to make
an equilibrium condition?
Could you explain to me about the
definition of lever?
Based on your previous lesson,
could someone draw the first/second/third class of lever?
c) Explore:
Pre-Activity Discussion:
Ask the students about what comes
to their mind about concurrent and non concurrent force.
Show some concurrent pictures and
ask their opinion about them, which are the example of concurrent system and non
concurrent system, ask for another argument.
d) Explain:
1. Explain
to students about the differences between concurrent and nonconcurrent
2. Explain
about the differences between particle and rigid body, and the forces that
act on them.
3. Explain
to student about translational equilibrium, and the requirements that are
needed to make a translational equilibrium system.
Discuss again the
pictures with the students.
Demonstrating the
application of translational equilibrium in daily life.
Show them a book on the
table that doesn’t move
Ask them about the
forces that work on the book
Collect their opinion
Ask them about how if
the book is moving with a constant velocity
Collect their opinion
Evaluate: (On power point) short answer
Forces that act at
different position are called ……..
Concurrent forces
usually work on ………
Condition where there
is no change in the state of motion of a body is called …….
A single force (F) can be resolved in to its …….. component and ……
The law that is need to be completed to get a translational
equilibrium system is ……….
my first teaching, fortunately I could make it in time although it's almost
pass the time. In the engage part we had a game of two groups between boys and
girls, and they had to find the strategies to make all the six of them to be
able to stand on a piece of paper, because my materials was about Equilibrium.
In 10 Achievers (first class) both of the team could do it fast but the boys
were faster, so I gave the bonus point to them. In 10 Innovators (second class), they need a
little bit longer time to success and the winner were the girls. In the
explaination part, I used both power point and the whiteboard to give examples and draw the forces of the system.
In my teaching evaluation section, my cooperating teacher said that my transition of the sub materials were still a little bit stiff, so I had to make the flow become more natural. He also told me to add the energy in the class, because the physics itself is already hard, so it's easy for the students to get bored and tired in the lesson. That's why it's important to give experiment, demonstration, videos, pictures or ice breaking games in physics lesson, to make it more interesting and help us to explain the concepts better, because Physics really need strong base concept knowledges to solve the problems. He also remained me to give clear instructions, put emphasis in every important informations and repeat the students answer after they've answered my question.
In my teaching evaluation section, my cooperating teacher said that my transition of the sub materials were still a little bit stiff, so I had to make the flow become more natural. He also told me to add the energy in the class, because the physics itself is already hard, so it's easy for the students to get bored and tired in the lesson. That's why it's important to give experiment, demonstration, videos, pictures or ice breaking games in physics lesson, to make it more interesting and help us to explain the concepts better, because Physics really need strong base concept knowledges to solve the problems. He also remained me to give clear instructions, put emphasis in every important informations and repeat the students answer after they've answered my question.
In my last teaching, I just had 35 minutes for my lesson because there was an even on that day, and it must be including all the parts. So we couldn't have the evaluation part, and I was just able to explained two of three of cases in equilibrium. But in my last evaluation section, my cooperating teacher said that i've improved, my explanation have become better, my voice was clearer and i've looked more relaxed than my previous teachings.
My biggest problem in teachings were the time management, because I wasn't used to have 30 minutes for one meeting hour (we have 40 minutes for each hour in Indonesia). Then I also had difficulties about the differences of materials grouping in the book and the materials' distribution for each grade. I got confused about the limitation and level of the materials that can be explained to the 10 graders in Philippines. So in order to overcome my problems, I consulted and asked many things to my cooperating teacher about all of my preparation, like the lesson plan, power points, equipments, medias, the way of speaking and all components that were needed in my lesson. For the time management in class, to avoid an overtime lesson, I reduce my questions and asked for their questions instead, always checking the time, and be strict to the time. For the explanation part, sometimes they couldn't catch my explanation (It can be seen in the elaboration and evaluation parts) so I would repeat my explanation in a simpler sentence, drawing it on the whiteboard, demonstrated the cases with simple things on my table or even moved myself.
Classroom management
I was teaching, I implanted some of my cooperating teacher class management, and add my own teaching style. Some that I used were his rule of "Respect the speaker", teaching methods of 5E, and index card. When the students got a little bit noisy I used the "Respect the speaker" rule, or just simply said "Halloo?", I was really grateful that my students were so well-behaved in class. In recall part, I ask them some questions from my previous meeting, and before move to the other sub materials I also gave them questions about some daily cases that we met everyday that still related to the materials to connect the sub materials. I also always asked whether they had a question or not after explaining one sub materials, . In evaluation part, I usually displayed the problems in my power points, and asked them to answer it in a piece of paper. Sometime I also joked a little to make them more relaxed and get their attention more.
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